Nude Gardeners

A group for fellow gardeners from around the world.

fruit trees

i have apple and peach trees in my yard yeah just two of each but last year birds or critters plucked my trees clean than deposited the fruit in my neighbor back yard so this year i bought some netting to cover the fruit trees - bad idea sadly...

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World Naked Gardening Day

WNGD this year is Saturday, May 1st. It is usually too cold here but the forecast is sunny and 62 degrees which should be conducive to being naked outside. Now, every day is naked gardening day here if the weather cooperates, but what I try to do...

It looks a great day to be outside

Living in the Uk its not always conducive to be out naked. I have fair skin and need to be careful in strong sun so I prefer dull days but here they are generally cool too. However today is warm too. Cant wait to get out soon. Can anyone recommend a...

New to site. Thanks for adding.

Thanks for adding me. Here I am in my garden

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Deer problem

Hello people so here in south georgia ,the deer are eating my plants ,are all my broccoli and all but three stalks of corn.wondering if anybody has an suggestions on keeping them out without putting up a fence which I know they can jumb s fence

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Wishing could do gardening in the nude

Have a great small garden, but unfortunately not private enough to go in, in the nudekeep on dreaming

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May second I enjoyed garden and sunning in my.private my backyard.

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backyard damp

i've noticed my yard especially the backyard isn't drying even though not muddy but when walking on it you can feel your shoes sinking a little , haven't had all that much rain and been in the 50's f most days of course colder at...

Breaking ground

Well we are getting the ground filled up today it is so beautiful and warm