The Mens Room

Discussions on Male Related issues with Nudism

Penni size

Im south Asian My penni size is 5.6 is it small does other nudist judge me

Underwear Nights

Anyone here who never wears underwear ever go to an underwear night at a club nude since what we wear under our pants is nothing? If so, how did it work out?

Latest Post

common topic with beerperhaps interesting -Whether it is beer and food or just drinks? -If you drink beer..what brand?

Professional photo shoot

Offering a few free sessions this spring and summer for guys that would like their photos taken. Location and level of clothing is up to you. Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Wisconsin areas for now, unless I am traveling near you

Penis Curve

Does your penis curve up or down? Mines slightly curves down. Watching porn I always notice the penis is either curve up or straight. I've always jealous the penis curve up. I feel it might be easier to slide it in doggy style. I'm not sure...

Proud Male

Just a few thoughts - I have been a naturist for quite some time. I completely enjoy being a man as well. Sometimes it is quite frustrating suppressing natural instincts. Is that true naturism? In true honesty is there shame in erections? I look...

Any men here remove their underarm hair?

There are a lot of threads where people are talking about shaving their pubes, but not much discussion on armpit hair. How many men here remove their armpit hair, whether it be shave, wax or laxer? The reason I ask because it seems like not many men...

No hair

So I've been a at home nudist for a while and i have no hair anywhere due to an imballance and have often wondered about the majority of people and why they shave their beautiful natural bodies. Do any guys on here shave around their penis for...

Erectile Dysfunction

Hello I have a problem due to an accident when i was younger i cant have erections withput help. My urologist just prescribed my caverject for penil injection. Has anybody of you any experience with injections in to the penis

Why are you naked?

Reading thro many topics on here, and also from the odd venture into the chat rooms, and conversations on other naturist sites, I feel it worth asking the question as to what people's (particularly men's) motivation is for developing a nude...